School Name

The Waterloo School

School Uniform

When your child starts at the Waterloo School they will receive a polo shirt, jumper,  fleece and book bag embroidered with the school logo, free of charge.

Further school uniform can be ordered through the ParentMail app.  Uniform will be sent home with your child once payment received.  All uniform should be named by pen or with labels.


School Uniform (required):

School Navy Polo shirt showing school emblem 

School Navy Jumper/Hoodie/Fleece or Cardigan showing school emblem

Dark grey / black / navy plain school trousers, tracksuit bottoms, shorts or skirts (we recommend cycle shorts under skirts)

Any coloured socks / tights

Waterloo School is a shoeless school so any appropriate footwear for school purposes


Optional items:

Blue checked school summer dress (we recommend cycle shorts under dresses) 

Cap (embroidered school caps available in the school shop) 

Coat (type dependent on weather)

Hair bands, ribbons/bows or "scrunchies" should be plain (no large flowers or decorations attached)



Football boots - including any with studs on soles

High heel shoes or platform shoes

Extreme hair designs or coloured hair 

Jewellery (except earring studs in pierced ears)

Make up and nail varnish



Some parents kindly donate uniform, so please contact the school office if you would like to see if there are any secondhand uniform available in your child's size.


The school's full uniform policy can be found here